Provide Emergency Relief for India's Covid Crisis
West Bengal, India. Image credit: PlaneMad / CC BY-SA
Photo by arihant daga on Unsplash
India is facing a Covid-19 catastrophe as the virus has overwhelmed hospitals, outstripped oxygen supplies, and destabilized food access for ten of thousands struggling to feed their families.
In the West Bengal region, Flint’s trusted partner (a ministry led by local leaders) is responding to these incredible challenges by providing oxygen tanks, food relief, and essential medical supplies to those suffering during this unprecedented time. But need outstrips their current ability to provide. Incoming donations are vital for sustaining and increasing our partner’s work in the region. In response to India’s overwhelming need, Flint is establishing a donation fund to support our partner’s efforts.
As local leaders with deep ties to their community, our partners on the ground in India are best able to recognize what supplies are most needed and where those supplies need to be given within their community. 100% of donations made through Flint’s fund will go directly to providing humanitarian aid in West Bengal.
How to Help?
$50 provides one month’s ration kit (emergency food relief, soap, and basic health supplies) for an entire family.
$65 provides an oxygen cylinder that can serve up to 50 people.
$85 provides an oxygen cylinder that can serve up to 70 people.
$130 provides two oxygen cylinders, serving up to 100 people.
$200 provides one month’s ration kit (emergency food relief, soap, and basic health supplies) for 4 families.